Without proper care, your skin will become rough and lifeless in the rainy season. Some tips below will help you not "freak out" what about "health" of the skin.
1. Protect yourself from mold
The wet weather during the rainy season is one cause of skin fungus infection. Areas with high humidity as in the toes, armpits or groin ... is the ideal environment for fungal proliferation and development. Measures for skin care in case they have to fungal attack is a bath with antibacterial soap and apply antibacterial powder after bathing. Try to avoid wet skin in the long run and need a warm bath after the rain.
2. Clean skin thoroughly
Cleaning the skin clean is essential to ensure that the pores are not clogged by oil and dirt. Use milk to exfoliate your face two times a week. The mixture of rice flour and rose water is the solution for exfoliating the skin perfect. For oily skin types (often very susceptible to clog pores), you can use this mixture to exfoliate every day. It will exfoliate the skin smoother and brighter.
3. Pay attention to water commission
Apply rose water at night is an indispensable step to skin care. Damp and wet environment of the rainy season is favorable for the bacteria present in water and air "free" operation. A bottle of rose water quality antimicrobial is a wise investment for you to prevent infection and skin rashes. Choose more antibacterial cleanser will help improve skin protection.
4. Moisturize your skin
The wet weather causing dry skin and cause water to oily skin and oil. If you regularly have to go out, you should choose a moisturizing formula contains no water. To increase moisture and exfoliate dry skin, you can use rice bran or crushed almonds mixed with milk or yoghurt applied to the face two times a week. However, note that this method does not apply to sensitive skin.
5. Avoid too bold makeup
Best beauty secrets and most important for women skin care during the rainy season is not too dark makeup. Do not use towels to rub the skin dry. This can make the pigment in the skin appear more and more vivid. Do not use cosmetics too concentrated as a moisturizer with high specificity, foundation contains oil or cream eyeshadow ...
6. Sunscreen
Please choose the type of milk can support a high index of sunscreen and remember to apply them before going outside. You also need to carry though, if the plans go for a walk when it's not all sunshine. When the skin has been damaged by sunlight, you can use a mixture of milk, honey and lemon juice to cleanse the skin. This solution is not only capable of cleaning sunburn on the skin but also helps the skin smoother, more radiant.
7. Regular cooling the skin
You can make the coolant to the skin at home. It is also helping to improve skin condition in rough air conditions too wet. Skin coolant remains the best commission. How this water is quite simple: you just need to break fresh rose petals to soak with boiling water and allow to cool and then filtered again, to preserve them in the fridge for personal use. Rose water helps cleanse the skin, removing all dirt and oil left after cleansing, astringent tight pores, provides a feeling of freshness to the skin.
8. Diet and rest
A healthy diet with adequate nutrients plus drinking enough water your body needs each day is always a "secret team" simplest and most effective for those who want to maintain a beautiful skin. Besides, you need enough sleep to eyes without dark circles. Sleep is also the time needed for skin regeneration and production of new cells, restoring youthful skin looks.