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The nature of love is equal, therefore, be humble men to become more attractive in her eyes.

There she is right

You also do not think so wrong, but the nature of the problem is that you can be smart guy in the venture, but fear in love. Prior to "battle", you know you will fail. Moreover, you're always down to fate without knowing that even in love, we should be prepared before entering.
You can not sit there praying for a good day, "Cinderella" of the heart will appear, which take the initiative like you had the initiative in their work.

Let's conquer yourself

Since you're strong and you are confident, that the opposite (but especially women) feel inferior.
Furthermore you guys soon again was successful and of course, your words have weight. Perhaps it is also the reason why you see no one can meet your requirements well.

In fact, it is assumed that you arrogant self-esteem, but in your heart and tremendous pride. So, whether you are a successful guy, but what if the love that you just want to keep the upper hand will not have good results.
Remember, to conquer women, you must first conquer themselves.

Over the break, hard to accept change?

Whether you love or give away your lover is also the same the whole time, you will feel shortfalls and losses. This feeling also pursue more in May then you should really do not know what to search for his daughter how appropriate.
Too liberal love life

Because you still have much work to do: that is, large and small projects, play golf, watch the show, listen to concerts, coffee, holiday ... The view out there that benefit both. But there again you get a minute stop to think for themselves let alone spend time with a girl?
In fact, you yourself have to fill the void in your life then get us another room for one to appear?
When you choose someone to ask you to sacrifice part of their own freedom, remember to free radical is always in conflict with love, so before you ask anyone in terms of ideology, make that two words "Freedom" has gone before.

Requirements are too high for women

You think she must have these values ​​match with his new loan. You may be attracted by her many flaws, but because the standards were set so you can hardly walk through to set love with her.
The old-fashioned notion that normally suffer from their parents. And be sure to at some point, you will hear his mother complained that: "I can not understand why until now this child has still not married? Although it is possible to make a woman happiness. "

Particularly you can not know that love and the rigid standards imposed will never keeping together.
Tags: Asian girls


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